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Successful Salespeople Don't Beg!
How to become a salesperson people can't wait to buy from

wSuccessful Salespeople Don't Beg!x
231 pages
February 2011
1,300 yen (w/o tax)
The author is a businessman to be reckoned with -- he has a formidable sales record with a 99% success rate. In this book he explains how to close sales deals quickly for anything you want to sell.
The attitude of many salespeople is having customers do them a favor by buying the products they're promoting. But Mr. Kagata defines sales as "the art of introducing people to something whose value you yourself believe in and guiding them to the point where they want you to sell it to them." This book is filled with theories, techniques, and attitudes that will help you become the kind of salesperson who always leaves customers grateful for the sale!
From the table of contents:
Chapter 1: The Philosophy -- Sales is about "giving people a chance to buy from you"
Chapter 2: The Theory -- Making prompt sales
Chapter 3: Turning "no" into "yes" -- Don't mistake resistance for a final decision
Chapter 4: The Secret -- Guide people where you want them to go

A word from the editor:
Although I don't have any experience in sales, it occurred to me that I could apply Mr. Kagata's know-how to my editing work as well. What I found particularly informative were the three secrets outlined in Chapter 4: putting the customer's happiness first, hinting at the obvious, and never giving up. If you master these secrets perfectly, you'll not only get along with other people easily, but you'll also be able to lead them in any direction you want!
Author:Akira Kagata
Akira Kagata was born in Wakayama Prefecture in 1946. He now teaches at sales seminars, but he started delivering newspapers when he was in the fourth grade. His experience selling newspapers to the people he met formed the foundation of what would later become the "Kagata sales method".

Mr. Kagata went into the working world when he was 23, and he continually closed deals from the very start. He has worked at 17 companies, including real estate companies and a study-aid book company. He was the top salesman at all those companies and holds a remarkable 99% success rate record. His longest perfect streak (100% success rate) lasted almost one year when he was working at the study-aid book company.
Since 1985, he has been training salespeople to use the Kagata sales method. So far, he has instructed over 30,000 people at more than 800 companies, and he has nurtured numerous excellent salespeople. Companies where he has lectured have reported a doubling of sales, and there are even companies whose sales jumped to ten times their regular volume. He's on his way to becoming a legendary marvel, and people soon will be referring to him as "the god of sales".

Author's site:
How to make prompt sales: Kagata Sales Method School
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