Protect Your Body Against Viruses

by Hideyuki Negoro

ISBN978-4-7631-3864-4 C0036

231 pages / October 2020 / 1,300 yen (w/o tax)

How to improve immunity according to leading research from Harvard, University of Tokyo, and others.


  • The basics of infection, illness progression, and prevention 

Cutting-edge medical research results from Harvard, Sorbonne University, the University of Tokyo, and others, clearly explain the facts behind how the novel coronavirus infection progresses and why some people are more susceptible to illness than others. This book also touches on proven medical treatment mechanisms.

  • Regulate your autonomic nervous system with one-minute breathing exercises


As indicated in a thesis on unbalanced autonomic nervous systems in relation to common cold susceptibility, the autonomic nervous system plays a key role in a healthy immune system.  Numerous data indicate that when done correctly, the breathing exercises introduced in these pages will improve the function of the parasympathetic nervous system in under a minute, confirming them as effective in repairing the autonomic nervous system.


  • Immunity-boosting before bed

The body works hard to fight off disease while we sleep. In addition to a boost in lymphocytes, melatonin and growth hormones fight off harmful free radicals, refreshing the immune system and balancing the autonomic nervous system. However, low sleep amount and quality is detrimental to our health, and increases the risk of illness. Latest research shows that these breathing exercises improve the overall quality of sleep.


  • Other effective immune-boosting methods

Medically proven methods for boosting the immune system, simply explained and made easy to incorporate into your daily life.

From the table of contents

Prologue           Why we can’t completely avoid infection

Chapter 1         What viruses do inside the body

Chapter 2         An unbalanced autonomic nervous system increases infection risk

Chapter 3         Give your body virus-fighting power: diaphragm relaxing breathing exercise

Chapter 4         Improve virus-fighting strength after one night: a breathing exercise before bed

Chapter 5         Improving the foundation of the body’s virus-fighting strength

From the editor

Growing old is scary. Over the last ten years, I’ve suffered several stomach flu cases accompanied by nausea and cold sweats. Peeling feet, illnesses with increasingly severe symptoms as well as those with mild symptoms, cold-like symptoms, strange headaches. Bedridden for a week with influenza each year, and even catching it twice in one season. It’s amazing how weak the immune system becomes.

The breathing exercises introduced in these pages turned all that around. It’s the perfect way to refresh yourself when busy with work or to do for a few minutes before bed. In doing that, I can now sleep through the night more often than in recent years. Good sleep has fully recharged my body. All you need is a few minutes. It will change your life.


Hideyuki Negoro

Hideyuki Negoro is a doctor of medicine. He completed his doctoral course in internal medicine at the University of Tokyo’s Graduate School of Medicine and Faculty of Medicine. He is a Harvard PKD Center collaborator and a visiting professor there as well as at Sorbonne University Faculty of Medicine, Kyorin University School of Medicine, and Nara Medical University. He is also a specially-appointed professor at Shinshu University, an honorary fellow at the University of Tokyo, and a director and professor at the Graduate School of Project Design. His areas of expertise include internal medicine, kidney disease, anti-aging medicine, and sleep science. He is involved in cutting edge medical research and clinical trials in the international world of medical education. He also advises elite business executives and professional athletes.