The World’s Best Way to Stretch

by Nakano James Shuichi

ISBN978-4-7631-3522-3 C2075

191 pages / February 2016 / 1,300 yen (w/o tax)

How to feel amazingly limber


“If I don’t stretch, I pull a muscle when I run.”

“I hate it that my body is always stiff.”

“I hate exercising! But stretching might be okay.”

“My usual stretch routine doesn’t seem to be doing anything.”

“I don’t know how to stretch properly.”
There are a lot of good reasons to get interested in stretching. This book touches on all of them and provides the best ways to stay limber and feel great.

Author Nakano James Shuichi is the physical trainer for the Aoyama Gakuin University long-distance running team, which has won the Hakone long-distance relay race multiple times. He is also the bestselling author of Today’s Stretch, which sold over 100,000 copies. For more than 25 years he has trained top athletes, celebrities and other men and women of all ages. Working with many different body types, he found the stretch positions that work the best, even for those who are stiff and suffer from body pain. All of his most recommended stretch positions are introduced in this book.

Also included are stretches that can be done while lying down, sitting down, standing or with a partner. Some of these, of course, will depend on how much space is available to you. There are also plenty of stretch positions that simply feel great.

This book concentrates on stretching methods that are not only easy to follow but also easy on the body. All of these methods are definitely worth a try.

From the table of contents

Chapter 1      Limber and stiff body types

Chapter 2           The rules and techniques behind the best stretches
Chapter 3            The neck, back, shoulders and arms
Chapter 4            The chest, stomach and lower back
Chapter 5            The rear and hips
Chapter 6            The thighs
Chapter 7            The calves, shins and soles
Chapter 8            Kinetic stretching

Chapter 9            Stress-reducing stretches
Appendix            Index of other kinds of stretches

From the editor

Most people only do the type of stretching that they learned in school. I was the same way. I always thought the most important thing was simply to stretch, regardless of how it’s done. However, once I tried the stretching techniques in this book, parts of my body that had never been properly stretched became limber. There are certain movements and positions I didn’t realize were so important, and I now understand where my body’s weaknesses were. Parts of my body that I’d been stretching regularly began to be more limber than ever before. It’d be great if the stretches in this book could become the new standard.


Nakano James Shuichi

Nakano James Shuichi is a physical trainer and fitness motivator born in 1971. He received health specialist certification at the American College of Sports Medicine and is also a member of the Adidas contract advisory board. Being one of the few sports trainers in Japan who specializes in both mental and physical guidance, he works as a personal trainer for a number of clients including top athletes. He currently works as a university long-distance running coach and as a personal trainer for celebrity table-tennis player Ai Fukuhara while tirelessly holding lectures across the country. As an author, his main works include If You Build Up Your Lower Body, You Won’t Get Fat or Tired (Daiwashobo), and 35 Things You Should Never Do in a Marathon (Kodansha Ltd.).