Baby's Message

by Yoh Shomei


48 pages / November, 2000 / 1,500 yen (w/o tax)

Picture books that brighten mothers' hearts
Beautifully illustrated. Great for gifts!
Over 50,000 copies sold


Little Baby, though he/she can’t talk yet, sure loves Mommy a lot! Immerse yourself anew in awe at your precious little bundle of joy.

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Yoh Shomei

Born in Kumamoto prefecture in 1946. One of Japan’s most famous picture book author/illustrators, he received the Bologna International Children’s Book Fair Graphics Award in 1990. The best-selling NOT MINES, BUT FLOWERS picture book series carrying his original illustrations has sold over 500,000 copies. Recently, he has been working on the “mommy series” or “picture books that brighten mothers’ hearts,” creating a quiet boom among mothers in Japan.