ISBN978-4-7631-3707-4 C8045
157 pages / July 2018 / 1,100 yen (w/o tax)
Everything you need to know about TV’s favorite emperor penguin!
Full-color illustrations on every page!
An illustrated diary of an emperor penguin’s life from birth to adulthood!
Also enjoyable for children who don’t like to read!
Naturally grow to love science!
Leading penguin researcher Kazuoki Ueda provides clear and entertaining commentary! Kids who don’t like science are actually eating this book up!
A great book for a research project!
Simply taking notes on parts of the book you like will make your research project easy!
Includes an appearance by Instagram-famous Penta.
The cute and lovable character Penta, who has become famous on Instagram, shares penguin secrets!
◎Raising an emperor penguin starts with daddy
◎Emperor penguins never eat fish from the tail end!
◎The male penguin gives milk to the baby??
◎ They throw their poop 2 meters!
◎All penguins have a good sense of direction
◎Why do penguins walk in a line?
The story of a penguin’s life is really quite moving and also very entertaining. This book is a pleasure to read, with its wonderfully cute illustrations. I’ve heard that our staff members’ children are having a hard time putting it down. Read it to find out why!