ISBN978-4-7631-3610-7 C0030
286 pages / January 2017 / 1,500 yen (w/o tax)
This is a neuroscience-backed study method that is sure to make information stick.
“Even though I’m studying, I don’t feel like the information is staying with me.”
“I’m not getting the desired results from my studies.”
“I don’t feel like I’m progressing in my studies.”
“My studies haven’t improved my work results and salary.”
Do you feel this way, too?
Without exception, people who can’t achieve satisfying results from their studies are victims of “wasteful studying.”
Wasting time, wasting money and wasting energy: This book will teach you how to avoid these and will explain how to study in a way that guarantees results.
Zion Kabasawa is a psychiatrist and the author of the best-selling book Techniques for Reading Without Forgetting, which sold more than 150,000 copies.
For the first time, he introduces “a study method with the quickest and greatest results” that is backed by psychiatry, neuroscience and psychology. Coming from his experience as an “SNS professional,” he also offers wisdom about social media, how to put knowledge acquired through study to proper use, and how to achieve overwhelming personal growth. Why not learn How to Study Without Wasting Time, Money and Energy?
– Chapter One
5 things you can acquire from studying, and 4 reasons why your study method isn’t working
– Chapter Two
Your brain is stimulated by “fun”– The neuroscientific “study method that’s fun for the brain”
– Chapter Three
Rejuvenate your life — The neuroscientific “4 study strategies for adults”
– Chapter Four
Learn the basics first — The neuroscientific “observational learning method”
– Chapter Five
Repeat input and output — The neuroscientific “input–output study method”
– Chapter Six
Further accelerate growth — The neuroscientific “super-output study method”
– Chapter Seven
Overcome a slump — The neuroscientific “10-year study method”
I too can admit to not following through with my studies on various occasions, especially when it comes to language study or working toward certain qualifications. I wish I had come across this book much earlier. This is the final part of the series that includes Techniques for Reading Without Forgetting and The Art of Memorization. I recommend buying the complete set!