ISBN978-4-7631-3685-5 C0036
208 pages / March 2018 / 1,400 yen (w/o tax)
What has cutting-edge brain science proven about how dopamine control influences our motivation and activeness?
It’s all about immediacy, frequency, continuation, decisiveness, and being up for the challenge.
How are leading athletes, entrepreneurs, doctors, and developers able to achieve all of these? The answer is dopamine, the pleasure-providing chemical in the brain. Proper dopamine control can improve motivation and strength. The secret to turning your lazy brain into a motivated brain lies in controlling dopamine levels. In this book, a neurosurgeon provides an explanation backed by leading brain science.
This book is for those who can’t “get up and go,” those who can’t finish what they’ve started, and those who hesitate to take up a new challenge.
Prologue Why your brain denies that
Chapter 1 Dopamine controls our behavior
Chapter 2 Do it right away
Chapter 3 Do things frequently and ahead of time
Chapter 4 Keep it up
Chapter 5 Choose and decide
Chapter 6 Challenge yourself
Chapter 7 Don’t get angry
Even though you understand the importance of doing things sooner rather than later, and of decisiveness and the willingness to take up a challenge, you may find yourself unable to take that first step. This book will give you the push you need.