ISBN978-4-7631-3683-1 C0030
286 pages / March 2018 / 1,400 yen (w/o tax)
A professional blogger teaches the most successful ways to blog and use Social Network Services
Do you think making a job out of something you love is a rare achievement? With the Internet having made the world so small, it’s now something that anybody can achieve, the author says. The key lies in what and how you post on blogs and SNS. This book explains the process of turning your interests into a forte, and then into a job.
Not only about making money doing what you love, this book also explains how you can contribute more to society and live a more meaningful life. Learn how to earn more money doing what you love while also contributing to the happiness of others.
Chapter 1 The key to turning your interests into earnings is how you share information
Chapter 2 Important rules concerning the sharing of information
Chapter 3 How to use a blog and SNS sites to market yourself
Chapter 4 How to make yourself stand out with personalized self-branding
Chapter 5 If you continue sharing your interests, your life and how you value money will dramatically change
It turns out that anyone can find success doing what they love, without feeling the need to give up on their dreams. You just need to improve the way you use blogs and SNS sites such as Facebook and Twitter. It’s all very quick and easy — you can start incorporating what you learn into your very next post.