Learn to Say 'No' to Right Way

by Takuya Tsuda

ISBN978-4-7631-3818-7 C0030

255 pages / January 2020 / 1,540 yen (tax included)

If you can’t say ‘no,’ you aren’t living!


 “If you want people to trust you, learn to say ‘no’.”

“But, I’m not good at saying ‘no’.”


I’ve had this conversation a million times. I have good news: It’s not your personality; you just don’t know how to say ‘no.’


Author Takuya Tsuda has taught customer complaint management to over 100,000 people over the last 15 years. Those who are good at dealing with customer complaints also tend to be good at saying ‘no.’ Done correctly, you can actually build trust and leave a good impression with your customers. This also applies to daily life. Those who say ‘no’ well tend to be trusted. There’s a way to leave a good impression while turning someone down.


Saying ‘no’ correctly involves trying to improve human relations while also putting yourself first. This technique is not only the basis of superb communication but also one that positively impacts your life.

From the table of contents

Introduction        Rock star Eikichi Yazawa’s superb way of saying ‘no’

Chapter 1             First, throw away all assumptions

Chapter 2             7 rules to saying ‘no’ while leaving a good impression

Chapter 3             Dealing with stubborn people

Chapter 4             Deciding when to say ‘no’



Takuya Tsuda

Takuya Tsuda is the representative director of Cube Roots, and Japan’s top complaint management instructor. While dispatching lecturers to corporate training sessions and representing the company’s human resource development, he himself speaks 200 times a year. His complaint management training program has a remarkable 100% repeat rate, attracting participants from all walks of life. As of 2019, the number of trainees and seminar students reached about 110,000 nationwide, and the number of trainers is expected to reach at least 100,000. He has also appeared on Fuji TV’s Viking program, among other media outlets, as an expert in dealing with complaints.