Pure Decisiveness

Science-backed Decision-making

by Mentalist DaiGo

ISBN978-4-7631-3908-5 C0030

253 pages / May 2021 / 1,540 yen (tax included)

No more uncertainty! Make a decision quickly using rules backed by the latest research!


Resolve your uncertainty about a job change, marriage, becoming independent, an investment, buying a house, scheduling and planning, and more!


Use leading information from the likes of the London Business School and DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) to acquire quick, flawless decision-making skills.


Rules backed by the latest research:

  • Polish your VARI skills to make clear decisions in seconds
  • Use your “Default Settings” to avoid choosing an unsuitable job
  • The HARM technique helps you answer the hard questions
  • 3 misunderstandings that invite poor decisions
  • 10 questions to ask yourself to improve decision-making
  • Why even the best of us make poor decisions
  • Choose the most useful information from a mountain of data or advice
  • How to speed up the decision-making process


Mentalist DaiGo

DaiGO graduated from the Keio University Faculty of Science and Technology, Department of Applied Physics and Physico-Informatics. Interested in the faculties of the human mind, he participated in research related to AI machine learning in materials science. He was the first to introduce on Japanese media the mentalism field of psychology born in the UK, appearing on various TV programs as the country’s leading figure on the subject. He has since switched his focus toward business and academia and is currently active as a business advisor, project developer, author, and university professor. His hobbies include reading up to 20 books a day, playing with his cats, avid use of the Niconico video-sharing service, and going to the gym. He has sold over 4,000,000 books dealing with a wide range of topics related to human psychology including the art of business communication, love, and child-rearing.