Change Your Outlook With a New Reading Method

by Yasuhiro Watanabe

ISBN978-4-7631-3915-3 C0030

199 pages / June 2021 / 1,540 yen (tax included)

Enjoy reading without setbacks
7 new theories backed by cognitive psychology


Can’t finish a book?           Lose concentration?            Unread books pile up?

Suffering from reader’s distress and guilt?


Leading cognitive psychological theory has overturned everything we know about reading.

Change your reading approach in the following ways:


・Can’t finish a book? ⇒ Just read what’s most relevant to you

・Can’t stay focused? ⇒ Take breaks and read in spurts

・Unread books pile up? ⇒ They can relay information to your subconscious

・Forget what you read? ⇒ Practice remembering

・Slow reader? ⇒ Follow along with your finger to improve speed and concentration

We’ve reached a turning point – it’s important to alter the way we take in new information.


Prepare yourself for a new era of evolved common knowledge and practice with this book’s New Reading Method.

From the table of contents

◎ A generational turning point reverses common knowledge every 70 years

◎ Reading makes you smarter

◎ Set your brain free to unleash your reading potential

◎ The 7 new reading theories

◎ Flip open to a random page and read it in 3 minutes!

◎ Read a page a second! Extreme reading with your finger

◎ Reading polishes your instincts and reason

◎ Predictive reading! “However” is often followed by the author’s opinion

◎ Open the book to the middle to gauge difficulty

◎ What do successful people do after they’ve finished a book?

◎ Good bookstores introduce you to good books

◎ What is the future of reading?


Yasuhiro Watanabe

Japan’s “top-level reader,” Yasuhiro Watanabe, graduated from the Aoyama Gakuin University Department of Economics. He helped establish a venture company that generated 800 million yen in sales and later listed on Mothers (Tokyo Stock Exchange). He then went on to establish Japan’s largest book club, Read For Action, and independently developed his very own “Resonance Reading” method based on leading behavioral economics and cognitive psychology research. His reading method is used by over 3,500 people, aged 10 to 91, all across Japan.