ISBN978-4-7631-3758-6 C0095
191 pages / May 2019 / 1,200 yen (w/o tax)
I want to quit, but I can’t.
This “comic book essay” teaches you how to rid yourself of small dependencies.
Wait, that’s an addiction, too?
Are you spending time and money on things that actually matter to you?
You use social media on the way to the bathroom
You didn’t used to drink, but now you have to have one after work.
Mail orders arrive almost weekly, but you often don’t remember what you’ve bought.
You want to break up with your partner, but you can’t.
You want to quit your job, but you can’t.
These may be real addictions.
A new book by Kona Shiomachi, author of the best-selling Why You Can’t Quit a Job That’s Killing You.
The Internet, alcohol, shopping, sugar, love or sketchy business activities.
Based on responses given by addiction specialists and winners of their war against addiction about how to quit, this book will help you change your ways.
Life is so much better when we quit things we don’t need.
Q&A with Dr. Oishi 1 – What’s the difference between those who live life thoroughly and those who ruin it?
Q&A with Dr. Oishi 2 – What’s going on inside the head of an addict?
Q&A with Dr. Oishi 3 – What should one do when they pinpoint an addiction?
Q&A with Dr. Oishi 4 – How do you know when a relationship is toxic? (abusive bosses, lovers and parents)
Certain words left a lasting impression on me while working on this book.
Addiction keeps you from focusing on what’s most important to you.
Beating addiction allows you to fully focus on what’s most important.
This book is produced from the stories of those who beat addiction and won happy lives. Both the author and I thought the word “addiction” didn’t apply to us, but when thinking about things in terms of “I want to quit this, but I can’t,” you find that the word “addiction” can be applied to many things.
Not just food, alcohol or gambling, but things like sketchy business endeavors and toxic relationships also fall under “addiction.”
Now it’s time for you to beat your addiction and start spending time and money on what’s most important to you.