Improve Blood Flow with the Flip of a Switch

by Yoshihiko Watanabe

ISBN978-4-7631-3623-7 C0036

159 pages / Jyly 2017 / 1,300 yen (w/o tax)

This 5-minute method for improving blood flow will eliminate a variety of conditions such as high blood pressure, frozen shoulder, depression and dizziness!


We know that blood flow is an extremely important part of good health. We also know that exercise helps increase blood flow. But exercising can be difficult for various reasons such as injury, illness or a lack of time. The good news is that there’s a spot on our hand that acts as a switch that instantly improves blood flow throughout the body. All you have to do is push it.


In Eastern medicine, this all-purpose pressure point is called gokoku. If you’re thinking this is just another book about pressure points, you’d be very wrong. The difference is that the author, Dr. Watanabe, has helped countless people remedy their chronic conditions with his treatments. He has answered the hopes and prayers of many patients who longed to improve their high blood pressure, relieve pain or cure conditions of an unknown cause.


Dr. Yoshihiko Watanabe is a cardiovascular internal medicine specialist and medical professor at Tokyo Women’s Medical University’s Higashi Medical Center. He often appears on television to discuss cardiovascular health, and is known for always wearing a blood pressure monitor around his wrist, but this book focuses on his clinical data and treatments related to gokoku.


Chronic conditions such as high blood pressure, stiff shoulders, frozen shoulder, Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD) , vertigo, depression, and vision and hearing impairment can be treated just by pressing the gokoku. It has been dubbed the “long-life switch,” having turned around the lives of many patients.


The hurts-so-good treatment method is easy and effective. You need to do it only twice a day for 10 minutes each time — 5 minutes for each hand.


Dr. Watanabe explains how to easy it is to find the pressure point. You don’t even need to hit the pressure point directly; being slightly off won’t make a difference. Massaging the gokoku pressure point will help you live a much more comfortable life.

From the table of contents

  • Instantly lower your blood pressure from 170 to 120!
  • I was able to raise my arms again after the first treatment
  • Symptoms of cervical vertebrae damage such as numbness and stiff shoulders vanished
  • Stiff shoulders, partial blindness and depression disappeared
  • Anxiety and dizziness went away
  • Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD) were cured, and I was able to eat sushi again
  • It was all thanks to the gokoku switch increasing blood flow
  • Gokoku has the same effect as trigger-point injections
  • Pressing the gokoku eliminates pain
  • Press the “long-life switch” like this for 10 minutes
  • Don’t do it in the bath, because it rapidly lowers your blood pressure
  • Gokoku massage therapy also prevents dementia

From the editor "Hanae"

Dr. Watanabe’s finger pressure massage was quite painful for me. As he massaged my hand, he explained he could tell by the firmness of my hand how stiff my shoulders were. I was just cringing, trying not to stop breathing, and waiting for it to be over. However, once I opened my eyes again, I felt like I could see more clearly than before. My shoulders also felt more limber than ever. My body was warm and I started to perspire. This happened before we began working on the book, and many experiences shared by other patients since then have proven the effectiveness of the treatment. In this book, we explain why pressing a particular point on the hands brings such massive results. You’ll be eager to share this hurts-so-good health method with all of your friends and family!


Yoshihiko Watanabe

Yoshihiko Watanabe is a doctor at Tokyo Women’s Medical University (Higashi Medical Center of Internal Medicine). Born in Chiba Prefecture, Japan, in 1952, Watanabe graduated from St. Marianna University School of Medicine in 1978 and finished his doctoral course there in 1984. In 1995, he went to the USA to be a visiting associate professor at the University of Minnesota’s Halberg Chronobiology Center. He studied internal medicine of the circulatory system, specializing in high blood pressure. From August of 1987, Dr. Watanabe began wearing a blood pressure monitor and has been wearing one constantly for 30 years, earning him the nickname of “the blood pressure doctor.” He is known for his clear explanations and for providing a light, friendly atmosphere in his examination room, attracting patients from all over Japan. He has authored many other books, including 49 Ways to Easily Lower Blood Pressure (Ascom).