Drills to Easily Improve Memory

by Yoshihiro Ikeda

ISBN978-4-7631-3762-3 C2036

158 pages / June 2019 / 1,300 yen (w/o tax)

Rapidly improve your memory with only two drills a day!


Drills to rapidly improve memory, developed by a mid-forties, frequent winner of the “Best memory in Japan” award.

If you feel it’s difficult to memorize something no matter how hard you try, to memorize a large amount of material, or to find the time to memorize something, these drills are for you.
The key to memorization is “inspiration.” A spark of inspiration stimulates and sears information into the brain.

These drills install a “flash sensor” into the brain that will help increase overall memory quality.
These drills can be done at any time and with no time limit. Reaching the correct answer is not important. Doing two drills a day gets you through all of them in about a month.


It’s never too late to strengthen your memory. Stop worrying about memory loss now, and improve your performance at work or in your studies. 

From the table of contents

Prologue             The secrets of memory
Chapter 1            Detection drills
Chapter 2            Categorization drills
Chapter 3            Collation drills
Chapter 4            Image sensor drills
Chapter 5            Relevance drills

From the editor "Hasumin"

At the Japan Memory Championship, contestants need to memorize such things as 300-digit numbers and chronological tables within five minutes. Among those in their teens and twenties, many from top universities, the winner was none other than author Yoshihiro Ikeda. Drills to Easily Improve Memory is the result of extensive research.  Fortunately, one’s memory can be “trained” at any age. Those who have given up on the possibility of sharpening their memory are encouraged to give these drills a try.



Yoshihiro Ikeda

Yoshihiro Ikeda won the 2019 Japan Memory Championship.  He has also become Japan’s first Grand Master of Memory. His interest in improving his memory started with a love of mnemonics, leading to him eventually take part in the championship. He achieved overall victory after 10 months of training, despite being in his forties. He has been victorious six times in a row up to 2019. In 2013, he won the World Memory Championship to become Japan’s first Grand Master of Memory (GMM).

His current mission is to help those the world over to improve not only their memory but also their overall brainpower. He has enjoyed coverage on TV, the radio, and in publications. He is the technical director at the Active Brain Association and an ambassador of Life Kinetik.