It’s Just Biology!

Give in to bad habits for a new horizon

by Masato Ishikawa

ISBN978-4-7631-3907-8 C0045

271 pages / June 2021 / 1,650 yen (tax included)

Give in to irritability, anxiety, laziness, heavy drinking, overeating, dependency, loneliness – all of it!


Life’s difficulties are never-ending and come in all forms, from laziness, overeating, irritability, messiness, heartbreak, to the fear of death itself. But all of these are simply biological! This means that even negativity, irritation, and gloominess are just features of our genetic makeup.

Within these pages:

“It’s natural to put things off!”

“It’s natural to have a hard time tidying up!”

“It’s natural to be habitually late!”

“It’s natural to feel nervous around others!”

“It’s natural to worry about what others think!”

“It’s natural to impulse buy!”

“It’s natural to wish you were dead!”


An experienced biologist is here to let you off the hook using simple science. Happily give in to the habits and emotions you’ve tried everything to change.

From the table of contents

Chapter 1            You’re only human!

Chapter 2           It’s natural to feel lazy!

Chapter 3            It’s natural to worry!

Chapter 4            It’s natural to give in to desire!

Chapter 5            “It’s natural to want to show off!”

Chapter 6            Life is tough.


Masato Ishikawa

Masato Ishikawa was born in Tokyo in 1959. He is an evolutionary psychologist and professor in Meji University’s School of Information and Communication. He has a PhD in engineering. Ishikawa studied applied physics (biophysics) at the Tokyo Institute of Technology Department of Physics. He was involved in the design development of video information systems (VIS) at Panasonic and took part in AI research at the Institute of New Generation Computer Technology. His areas of expertise include cognitive science and genetic information processing. Ishikawa continues his many years of research in biology, brain science, and psychology.